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Subtitles support

Youtube and Dailymotion videos can have external subtitles (closed captions). External means they are not the part of the video frame image. So they can be turned on and off, and video can have multiple subtitles.

On Youtube in addition to regular subtitles are also available two other kinds of them: auto-generated (using speech recognition) and auto-translated (machine translation of one of regular subtitles or auto-generated one, available only if video has some of them).

Program uses SubRip (*.srt) files for subtitles. Subtitles file name is generated automatically by appending media file name with a language code, e.g. for English subtitles a file name "video.mp4" becomes "".

Program has options to fine-tune which subtitles to download. These options are preset-wide so they can be found in preset configuration window (under Download subtitles group). Each type of subtitles (regular / ASR / auto-translated) has separate configuration there. Using these options can be selected any set of subtitles.

Manual subtitles selection

Subtitles can be selected manually using Qualities combo box in Quality tab of properties pane. Subtitles are placed in Subtitles popup menu of combo box. This popup menu is disabled if there are no subtitles on the clip page.

It is also possible to download subtitles alone: hold the Ctrl key and click on media files in qualities combo box menu, this way they will become unselected.

If the clip has auto-translated subtitles then there are always a lot of them. So they are placed in separate popup menu Subtitles (Auto-translated). Otherwise (if all types will be listed together) it would be hard to select regular subtitles.

Below is an example of possible set of subtitles (for this clip). Of course, it is rather an exception. Usually there are just one or few regular subtitles on the page. However if the page contains auto-translated subtitles, there are always more than hundred of them.

Subtitles support
Example of possible set of subtitles (regular subtitles are on the left side)

Help Miscellaneous Subtitles support