Help Options

  1. Getting info about clip
    1. Use info from the clip page
    2. and retrieve the clip file size
    3. and analyze part of the clip
    4. Limit of the part size
  2. yt-dlp

Page analysis

Getting info about clip

To make proper choice of which media files to download, program needs quality details of available media files for the clip. More details it has - more precise choice it will make.

On the other hand more details it tries to retrieve - more time it will spend for analysis (and more data it will download and this stage, sometimes this is also important).

So this options group controls how precise analysis will be.

Use info from the clip page

At analysis will be used only the information directly available on the clip page, no video file analysis will be performed. This significantly speeds up the analysis meanwhile decreasing the accuracy of comparison of available videos.

As far as Youtube is concerned, video/audio quality info can be found out from the clip page (but the information obtained in such a way sometimes may little differ from the actual data).

Several other supported sites also provide more or less complete information about quality of available media files. Some sites have almost no details, except maybe duration.

and retrieve the clip file size

In addition to details retrieved from the clip page program will retrieve size of each available media file. It will use HTTP HEAD method so it is quite fast, no file data will be downloaded.

With this info it is possible to calculate files bitrate (since approximate duration is almost always known from the clip page) and make some assumptions about relative quality of media files.

and analyze part of the clip

In addition to the above methods fetch file data for each media file until get all quality details or limit of the part size will be reached.

Limit of the part size

Maximum amount of data to download at the media file analysis (per file, in kilobytes).

Here is some hints which could help you to chose the optimal limit value:

Amount of data that was downloaded at analysis can be viewed in details tooltip of qualities combo box.


Since 2025, the program uses yt-dlp to extract media info from the page URLs. For 32-bit version used XP-compatible fork.


Where to find yt-dlp executable. By default it uses the one bundled with the installer. Alternatively select System to search it using PATH environment variable, or click Browse to specify yt-dlp location explicitly.

Cookies and Cookies from browser

Both options provide the way to manage cookies. Read Authenticated download topic for details.

Extra args

Additional command-line arguments to be passed pass to yt-dlp. Use single or double quotes to wrap arguments containing white space. Use backslash to escape quotes and backslash.

Help Options Page analysis